



They knew they could hit a German company where it hurts by damaging its reputation on environmental issues, so they purpusefully exaggerated claims (e.g. only mentioning the most extreme values measured for a very short timespan during a regeneration cycle, rather than the average), implied that the emissions are much higher than for comparable cars (they are not) and completely ignored the fact that the cars in question have much lower emissions than US standards allow for all other pollutants.


- 在一个公司(具有讽刺意味的是,制造汽车在实践中产生最低排放的汽车)
- 在一种类型的排放(NOx)上,但不是更危险的颗粒或挥发性有机化合物
- 在技术(柴油)上,可能更难以优化低NOX排放,但可以比其他排放中最常见的替代品更清洁,并且对Globar警告造成更大的贡献。


Furthermore, I would argue that it would be better if emission limits would be the same for every engine type, but do allow for tradeoffs (e.g., a little more NOx is allowed if it leads to lower PM, or the other way around), with correspondence factors backed by studies that analyse environmental and health effects of various pollutants. Finally, I would propose that increasing overall emissions in any way to protect engine components, should only be allowed if there is no technical feasible way of protecting it without these measures.