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平均而言,来自初榨植物油的生物柴油达到大约80%的排放量比化石柴油替换。这是基于生物柴油的生命周期排放,包括ILUC排放。2015年,生物柴油是欧洲最受欢迎的生物燃料,市场份额为80%,主要由棕榈油,油菜籽和大豆制成。在为运输的生物燃料的所有来源中,棕榈油具有最高的温室气体排放量 - 188金宝搏bet官网下载化石柴油排放量的303%。

The EU is currently reforming its biofuels policy as part of a new Renewable Energy Directive, which the European Commission proposed in late 2016. Last month Norway, which is not an EU member but part of the single market, became the world’s first country to ban its government purchasing of palm oil biofuel. Its parliament prohibited the use of palm oil or its by-products in public procurement, which is a procedure by which governments purchase goods or services from companies.