
欧洲首次温室气体排放量为重型车辆的限制将在MEPS和欧盟政府完成新条例的立法程序后生效。这规定将从2030年将卡车的二氧化碳排放量减少30%,通过较低的燃料消耗,在前五年中储蓄举行估计每辆卡车60,000欧元。T&E表示,立法'踢腿启动Road Haulage远离化石燃料技术的转变。



T&E’s cleaner trucks manager Stef Cornelis said: ‘This is an important step in the right direction, though we need to be clear the new targets are far from enough to meet the Paris climate goals, and they will need to be made a lot more ambitious when they are reviewed in 2022. Nonetheless, this is a pivotal moment for the truck industry in Europe – after 20 years of very little progress on fuel-efficiency, and record fines for cartel activity to fix prices and slow down emissions reductions, we finally have legislation that kick-starts road haulage’s shift away from fossil-fuel technology.’

Trucks, buses and coaches represent around 5% of all vehicles on the road in Europe but are responsible for around a quarter of road transport’s greenhouse gas emissions (6% of the EU’s total CO2 emissions), a share the Commission said would grow rapidly without obligatory limits.