
法国的国家审计师对该国政府和国会议员允许法国重型商品“ Ecotax”的批评非常批评。该税首先被认为是2008年对环境思想探索的一部分,并于2009年获得国会议员的批准,但在11月,在一系列抗议活动后被放弃。审计法院说,该决定是“战略失败”和“混乱”,这将损害公共财政和该国运输政策的信誉。188金宝搏bet官网下载

重型货物Ecotax旨在通过收取道路运输货物的环境成本来执行“污染者支付原则”。它针对法国的非通行高速公路,主要道路和次要道路运输的80万吨货物,其收入专门用于188金宝搏bet官网下载开发公共交通工具。在尼古拉斯·萨科齐(Nicolas Sarkozy)担任总统任期内,国会议员在2009年获得了压倒性的支持。

However, with the ecotax due to come into effect in January 2014, there were demonstrations in 2013, particularly in the north-western region of Brittany where the ‘red cap’ movement became notorious for its violent protests (the red cap, or ‘bonnet rouge’, is a symbol of freedom from pre-revolutionary France). The movement was made up largely of agricultural, industrial and regional business interests. The contract was annulled in October 2014, and MPs finally voted to end the scheme in November 2016. Meanwhile, Belgium successfully introduced a national road charging scheme which has been successfully operational since April 2016.


法院估计,Ecotax在2014 - 24年期间将获得98.3亿欧元的净额。相反,该州必须向拥有该计划的合同的公司支付9.58亿欧元。
