

是由有关科学家联合会组织的,科学家是一个美国非营利组织,该组织在对其他机构的陈述中的间接土地利用变更方面占据一席之地。这封信说:“在不解决土地利用变化的情况下,欧盟在运输中可再生能源的目标可能无法在现实世界中产生真正的碳储蓄。188金宝搏bet官网下载It could end up as merely an exercise on paper that promotes widespread deforestation and higher food prices.’ The scientists join a growing list of people and bodies warning the EU that ignoring Iluc could cause the EU’s biofuels target to increase greenhouse gas emissions, not reduce them. The Commission’s position is still that ‘scientific uncertainty’ prevents it from taking Iluc into account, and the scientists’ letter does admit there are uncertainties in estimating the magnitude of indirect land-use emissions from biofuels. ‘But,’ it adds, ‘a policy that implicitly or explicitly assigns a value of zero is clearly not supported by the science. All the studies of land-use change indicate that the emissions related to biofuels expansion are significant and can be quite large.’ In a letter to European Voice, T&E’s biofuels policy officer Nusa Urbancic said: ‘This “scientific uncertainty” is a bit of a stretch. Numerous scientific and public bodies agree that Iluc is real and should be accounted for when calculating total emissions from biofuels – the list could hardly be more venerable. We never took the Commission for a bunch of flat-earthers, but on this issue we are getting the sense of an administration in denial.’ Another organisation to come out in support of accounting for Iluc is a group of bioethanol producers, whose fuels stand to gain an advantage over biodiesel if the EU factors in land-use impacts. In a letter to the energy commissioner Guenther Oettinger and the climate commissioner Connie Hedegaard, the bioethanol lobby group ePure says it will support a policy that ‘differentiates between good and bad biofuels pathways and addresses Iluc directly’. Urbancic added: ‘This is not just about environmental gains and social justice, it’s also about ensuring investment certainty for the biofuels industry. Doing nothing on Iluc will leave the industry in turmoil because no biofuel producer will be able to plan properly for the future.’