
关注于项目的数量正在增长 - 主要在中欧 - 违反欧盟环境立法。


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In addition, the Clean Air Action Group in Hungary has written to the Commission’s secretary general, asking the EU to deny funding for Hungary under the transport and regional operative programmes, as money from them agreed for road projects will violate EU legislation on the internal market, environment and anti-fraud policy.

J&E, which has looked at both EIA and sites protected under the EU’s Natura 2000 directive, says some or all of the six countries it investigated had neglected EIA criteria in deciding whether an assessment was needed, taken a “special approach” to transport projects that reduces environmental monitoring, failed to look at less damaging alternative options, and provided little or no opportunity for the public and NGOs to give their views.



与此同时,非政府组织努力防止通过波兰人损坏波兰有价值的高速公路的非政府组织采用了不同的方法 - 警告道路建设者可能对重大损害成本负责。

基于布鲁塞尔和波兰的五个组织正在采用欧盟环境责任指令(2004/35 / EC)警告建筑公司Budimex-Dromex,该公司赢得了招标,建立了普通巴尔的松的一部分,这可能需要支付罗波达谷湿地造成的损坏。

Cee Bankwatch网络的Magda Stoczkiewicz表示:“尽管替代品更绿,但目前的路线保证造成环境损害。当地当局知道这一点,波兰政府知道这一点,委员会已经证实了这一点,所以公司应该意识到它对损害造成财务责任。我们希望Budimex将重新考虑其参与该项目。“

这个新闻故事是从事2007年2月版T&E Bulletin。
