


‘Extracting the Truth: Oil industry efforts to undermine the Fuel Quality Directive’ is a new report by Friends of the Earth, which uses the industry's own data to show how companies are falsely claiming that the 10% target proposed in revisions to the fuel quality directive is unachievable. In a statement last month by its new secretary-general Isabelle Muller, the oil industry lobby group Europia said it considered the 10% target ‘not only infeasible but also inconsistent and overlapping with two other directives under review’. It added: ‘Europia is convinced that reducing the greenhouse gas content of road transport fuels by 2020 can only be achieved trough the ETS and the use of renewable components. Europia supports the ETS and strongly believes it should remain the sole means of managing greenhouse gas emissions from fossil fuels.’ Despite this support for the ETS, the Dutch oil company Shell, one of Europia’s leading members, has said ending free credits in the ETS would ‘destroy’ aspects of the oil industry and could cause refineries to leave Europe and set up elsewhere. REDUCE FLARING So far, the debate on the proposed 10% cut in CO2 emissions has been dominated by biofuel sustainability criteria, but the FoE report suggests this could be a distraction. It says fuel producers could reduce emissions by ‘at least 10%’ by reducing gas flaring and venting, improving energy efficiency, and using alternative fuels at refineries. In a在《金融时报》报纸上,T&E的董事乔斯·丁斯(Jos Dings)表示:“欧罗雅语的论点是,生物燃料是“减少道路运输燃料的温室气体排放的唯一选择”,这意味着石油生产已经是吱吱作响的绿色。188金宝搏bet官网下载显然(令人担忧的是)油专业从未听说过减少燃烧,提高炼油厂效率或减少焦油砂油的生产,这是碳密集型的三倍,是传统的油生产的三倍。‘几年来,石油行业一直在努力说服世界,这是对绿色的兴趣 - “超越石油”,正如一家公司在数百万美元的营销活动中著名的那样。188金宝搏反水比例可悲的现实是他们要符合所有旧技巧。’上个月最大的石油巨头壳牌和英国银行报告说,季度利润总计144亿美元。