

T&E首先引起了潜在的丑闻一篇文章published in April 2016. The German trade body Camion Pro – which represents road transport operators, many of them small businesses – had uncovered a practice whereby truck engines could be manipulated so it looked as if a truck was using the NOx-reducing fluid ‘AdBlue’, even though it was not. Users of AdBlue qualify for certain tax and toll reductions.

当时,Camion Pro的证据基本上基于自己的工作,其中封底的研究人员假装成为操纵卡车发动机的软硬件的销售人员。但现在它已被德国电视台ZDF委托的研究备份,并在海德堡大学进行。它的调查结果在1月17日在ZDF的杂志计划前台播出。

掩盖没有NOx还原系统的技术由小型电子组件组成,该组件已在运输工业中已知为“宪法杀手”。虽然在YouTube和其他互联网视频网站上公开演示了安装技术,但似乎很少的强制意识意识到丑闻。ZDF计划显示了一支在罗马尼亚进行操纵的团队,其中一个成员说:'你不需要担心德国 - 警察不知道这一点。

The Heidelberg research confirmed Camion Pro’s initial estimate that 20% of lorries operating in eastern Europe have effectively circumvented NOx reduction technology, causing around 14,000 tonnes more NOx to be emitted per year than would be the case if all trucks that say they use AdBlue were doing so. In financial terms, ZDF quoted a toll expert as saying the scandal was costing Germany €110 million a year in lost revenue.
