
T&E总监Jos Dings在今天的金融时报》:



荷兰皇家壳牌公司的首席执行官杰罗恩·范德伟最近告诉一家英国报纸说,欧盟拟议中的计划迫使企业为之前免费发放的碳排放许可证付费,这可能会摧毁欧洲的石化和炼油行业。该公司去年盈利276亿美元,认为该提议将损害其“苦苦挣扎”的行业,导致欧洲炼油厂关闭,工作岗位流失到欧盟以外。这似乎不太可能。英国碳信托(Carbon Trust)表示:“欧盟碳排放交易计划(EU Emissions Trading Scheme)不太可能对石油产品贸易产生太大影响……协调自由分配可能很复杂,并产生不正当的激励。完全避免自由分配……将避免这些问题,这一要求的好处可能超过任何貌似合理的国际贸易影响。”令人沮丧的是,石油业还试图阻止欧盟另一项非常重要(但不太知名)的倡议。拟议中的燃料质量指令第七条a规定,到2020年,运输燃料生产的碳排放量应减少10%。188金宝搏bet官网下载行业游说组织Europia表示,该法律不适用于石油公司。 It argues that biofuels are “the only option to reduce greenhouse gas emissions of road transport fuels”, implying that oil production is already squeaky green. Apparently (and worryingly) the oil majors have never heard of reducing flaring, improving refinery efficiency or cutting back on tar sand oil production, which is three times more carbon-intensive than conventional oil production. For several years the oil industry has been trying to convince the world that it is serious about going green; “beyond petroleum”, as one company famously put it in a multi-million dollar marketing campaign. The sad reality is, they are up to all their old tricks.