
Philippa Edmunds是英国铁路经理的货运,以获得更好的运输和T&E董事会成员188金宝搏bet官网下载188金宝搏反水比例

要了解对我们道路上的卡车安全的严重担忧,您只需要看看他们在我国英国的纪录。繁重的羊水(HGV)事故,尤其是涉及骑自行车者的事故,是目前英国运输的关键问题。188金宝搏bet官网下载在伦敦,卡车甚至参与了一半的骑车人死亡,即使他们只占2011年和2012年的5%的流量[1]。HGV在英国高速公路上涉及51%的致命碰撞 - 尽管2012年仅占高速公路交通的11%[2]。



需要修订该立法,以便允许额外的驾驶室空间,以方便新的驾驶室设计,这不仅更安全,而且对司机而言也更加安全,更舒适。Current EU rules on weights and dimensions of HGVs have indirectly restricted the length of cabins to 2.35 metres, which explains why today’s cab design forces the driver to sit on top of the engine in such a high position that much of what happens around the cab is invisible to them. Redesigning lorry cabs to reduce these blind spots could save hundreds of cyclists’ and pedestrians’ lives every year, according to a study by Loughborough University which found this ‘direct vision’ lorry concept would increase the driver’s field of view in front and to the sides of the lorry by 50%. This 80cm longer cab with a rounded nose, smaller dashboard, expanded glazed areas and a slightly lower driver position is supported by an alliance of 22 organisations, including the Mayor of London, the Freight Transport Association, Transport for London (TfL), cycling, local authority and road safety organisations [3].


如果延迟新设计,则需要损失更多的生命,因此延迟延迟这些修改,英国不应该接受本协议,这是不可原谅的。考虑到这一点,13个英国行业,运输和安全专家组织向英国政府编写了与其他188金宝搏bet官网下载国家合作并停止延误。They are Campaign for Better Transport, RoadPeace, See Me Save Me, British Cycling, Institute of Mechanical Engineering, Living Streets, Institution of Civil Engineers, Skanska, O’Donovan Waste Disposal, SIG PLC, Road Death Reduction Forum, FM Conway, and Kayleigh Plant Hire Limited. The Freight Transport Association is also now supporting our growing campaign.




[2]流量统计表TRA0104,事故统计表RAS 30017,两个DFT为2012年为2012年

[3]http://www.188金宝搏bet官网下载transportenvironment.org/sites/te/files/publications/2014%200 ...



Philippa Edmunds的照片
