用于生物燃料的棕榈油和豆油与高森林砍伐率有关 - 新研究



Laura Buffet,Clean Fuels经理为欧洲绿色运输非政府组织,运输与环境联合会表示:188金宝搏bet官网下载“科学证据很清楚:棕榈油和大豆油的额外需求使生物燃料破坏雨林,大草原和排出沼泽和泥炭地。将这些生物燃料标记为“高Iluc风险”符合科学,将停止未来的森林砍伐,并减少与之相关的碳排放。“

The Renewable Energy Directive published in December last year states high ILUC risk biofuels, such as palm oil and soy biofuels, cannot grow above each country’s 2019 consumption levels and should gradually decrease from 2023 onwards until reaching 0% in 2030. Whilst the principle of phasing out palm and soy biofuels is enshrined in the new law, the Commission has until 1 February 2019 to publish a delegated act establishing the science-based criteria to carry out the commitments made by the EU Parliament and governments.

委员会还在分析了某些类型的棕榈油和大豆油可以标记为“低ILUC的风险”,并被允许达到气候目标。The study assesses different options and criteria but there are no clear, robust and enforceable options (like yield increases or abandoned land not used for crops) that could guarantee these crops don’t cause more deforestation and displacement of other uses, such as for food.

“低ILUC RANK BIOFUOUL是一个理论概念和实施它就像试图平衡圈子一样。没有可行,可执行的可执行标准可确保由于对生物燃料的额外需求而无需间接砍伐砍伐。低ILUC风险选项是一门宽敞的门,让“绿色洗涤”棕榈油回来“自助餐说。


The new EU’s Renewable Energy Directive scraps the target for food-based biofuels after 2020. This means that European countries are no longer forced to subsidise food-based biofuels in order to meet EU’s green energy targets for 2030. EU countries still have the freedom to mandate food-based biofuels after 2020, but the law caps their contribution to the consumption levels achieved in each country in 2020, with a maximum of 7% content in the fuel.



2.检查五种ILUC建模研究的平均ILUC图是棕榈油柴油和75 GCO2E / MJ平均值的109 GCO2E / MJ平均水平豆油柴油。


Eoin Bannon.
+32(0)487 717296

