生物燃料不会脱碳航空 - ICCT


At its 2013 general assembly, the International Civil Aviation Organisation agreed to ‘a medium term aspirational goal’ of carbon-neutral growth for the aviation sector from 2020. Last June, the Commission’s Strategy for Low-emission Mobility talked about an important role for ‘advanced biofuels’ (biofuels made from crops that were not competing for use as food) in decarbonising aviation, and in an面试在11月11月,膨胀的膨胀公司表示,先进的生物燃料是开始脱碳过程的“最佳选择”。

一组五个非政府组织,包括T&E,回应to Bulc’s statement, highlighting that some biofuels are worse for the climate than conventional kerosene, and Europe’s aviation policy should focus on ‘far more meaningful measures that will have an impact’, including restoring the EU emissions trading system for all international flights, not just those within Europe.

现在,在暴露“柴油”丑闻中发挥着核心作用的基于美国的研究机构,已经备份了非政府组织的位置。在一个学习3月29日发布,它研究了来自各种生物质来源的“替代喷射燃料”(AJF)的可能脱碳效果。It found that ‘the available quantities and types of feedstocks for AJF suggest that fuel-switching alone is unlikely to meet ICAO’s goal of carbon-neutral growth from 2020 onward’, let alone IATA’s goal of reducing 2005 net emissions by 50% by 2050. It added: ‘Although estimated demand for jet fuel amounts to 24–37 EJ in 2050, assessments show that the absolute maximum amount of lignocellulosic (advanced) biofuel that could be available for the aviation sector is around 4 EJ in 2050.’

T&E的运输188金宝搏bet官网下载和能源分析师Carlos Calvo Ambel表示:“ICCT的深入科学分析与1月份委员会的委员恰好匹配 - 生物燃料不会脱碳航空。委员会应专注于证明减少排放的解决方案。废除煤油的化石燃料补贴,目前在欧洲征税每升零欧元,并改革过时,交通管制效率低下。但从长远来看,需要政治勇气来解决航空需求。“