
由Julia Poliscanova,清洁车辆和空气质量官员

我在2016年知道我在2015年不知道:T&E’s contribution to exposing the failed system of EU car testing has been one of its key campaigns in 2015. The discrepancy between lab tests for dangerous nitrogen oxide (NOx) emissions and those produced on the road was shown to be on average a whopping 500% – and more for some models. But the year was memorable for the unravelling of the biggest emissions scandal in auto-industry history, costing Volkswagen an estimated €40 billion when over 11 million diesel vehicles (8 million in Europe) were founded to have cheated tests. Embarrassingly for the EU, it fell on the shoulders of the Americans to expose the cheating by the biggest European car maker, starkly illustrating the obsolescence and lack of independence of the EU system.

没有真实世界的测量,VW作弊都不会被暴露。关键课程是排放试验必须从实验室和道路上转移,以便为幻想司机提供现实世界的排放减少和准确的信息。作为第一步,2015年10月欧盟国家政府最终达成了新的现实世界驾驶排放测试(RDE)终于同意了欧盟国家政府。这些最初将用于评估柴油车与欧元6个NOx排放限制的遵守情况。The introduction of RDE tests is a good start but the tests are far from perfect: they give manufacturers too much flexibility to account for so-called ‘measurement uncertainties’ on the road (something MEPs will try to tighten in the first quarter of 2016); they do not apply to other air pollutants or CO2; and they do not take into account cold starts or regeneration events that are an important source of emissions.

期待2016年,RDE应迅速扩展到包括CO2和燃油效率测试,结束了平均驾驶员在购买车辆期间宣传的燃料浪费40%的情况。T&E有开始工作与PSA PeugeotCitroën衡量和发布现实世界燃料经济性数据,在2016年夏季使用在道路测试中。这表明一些汽车制造商知道没有理由RDE不能用来测量CO2。通过补充新的实验室测试框架(世界轻型测试程序或WLTP)以及2016年提出的批准车辆的加强系统,委员会正在采取一些建设性的措施,以确保在实验室中观察到的排放减少在路上。随着即将到来的提案,在2016年底,对于未来的2025辆汽车二氧化碳标准,欧盟正在将法规放在适当的地方,以确保汽车有效地促进减少温室气体排放并满足巴黎气候协议。