


本月早些时候,全部议会投票439至74名(102弃权),以支持一揽子措施,以解决航空对全球气候的影响,并应用“污染者支付”原则的航班。该决议,基于绿地MEP Caroline Lucas的报告,有两个中央建议:航空应该加入专门用于空运的排放交易计划,煤油应征税。188金宝搏bet官网下载The vote is not legally binding, but with the Commission currently working on proposals due to be published by the end of this year on how to deal with aviation’s impact on climate change, it puts pressure on Commission officials to come up with proposals that genuinely tackle air transport’s contribution to climate change. Lucas said: “The strong majority in favour of the report sends a clear signal to the Commission that strict and binding legislation is needed to curb the fast-growing climatic damage caused by airlines. Doing nothing is clearly not an option. At this rate the increased emissions from aviation will neutralise more than a quarter of the reductions required by the EU’s Kyoto target by 2012.” The Lucas report’s recommendation that a separate emissions trading system should be created exclusively for aviation reflects concerns in the Parliament that the existing EU ETS is not strict enough to cause major changes in behaviour. Reacting to the vote, Ulrich Schulte-Strathaus of the Association of European Airlines said the Parliament had opted, “for the systematic dismantling of a key industry by political manipulation of its price structure.” If the measures were introduced, “the economies of Europe’s tourist regions would be devastated“ he said.航空公司不确定支持ETS中的航空环保团体一般欢迎将航空纳入欧盟ETES,而是作为第一步,而航空公司似乎希望加入ETS将结束压力以实现进一步的环境行动。然而,并非所有航空公司都在唱同样的曲调。最近几个月,英国航空公司,Air法国/ KLM支持了空运成为ETS的一部分的想法。188金宝搏bet官网下载但上个月德国航空公司汉莎莎莎拒绝了这个想法。沃尔班斯省汉斯·梅拉伯伯(Lufthansa)首席执行官告诉了时报报纸,全球变暖需要全球,而不是欧洲解决方案,增加:“更好地努力改进技术以减少排放,”他说。英国航空公司的发言人表示,汉莎航空公司严重高估了加入ETS的航空公司的成本。这个新闻故事是从事2006年7月版T&E Bulletin