
编辑由Jos Dings,T&E导演



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最后但并非最不重要的是,航空进入ETS的进入ETS促使国际民航组织设定了截止日期的全球方案的截止日期。近15年后京都议定书分配了处理航空气候影响对国际民航组织的责任,终于存在空中紧迫感。国际民航组织在未来几个月内召开了一系列紧急会议,讨论 - 再次 - 减排征收和排放交易。符合传统,航空业在桌面上有一个席位,除了我们坚持平等待遇。

The EU has wisely reacted by offering a huge carrot: if Icao does indeed come through with a global deal that is better than Europe’s initiative, Europe is more than happy to change the most controversial aspect of its law: the inclusion of flights coming into Europe.

Some developing and emerging countries (and oil exporters of course) will cry foul at a global solution, saying they should not be held responsible for aviation emissions, referring to the Kyoto-era principle of ‘common but differentiated responsibilities’ that divides the world into countries with and without reduction obligations. That black-and-white division has never really worked in aviation: it would for example exempt Singapore and Dubai, two of the biggest aviation hubs each with a very global airline. Global developments in the past 14 years have made this principle ever less credible, and indeed the Durban climate conference ended with the ambition to strike a deal that binds everyone. Icao came up with the idea of exempting all countries with less than a 1% contribution to global traffic. This does not work either, because it would exclude 169 of Icao’s 191 member countries and lead to huge distortions, not least in Europe.


  • 首先,为了环境有效,全球基于市场的措施应基于燃料使用或排放,而不是乘客或货运的数量。
  • 其次,这足以减少航空排放并大大有助于全球气候融资。目前的ETS价格为每吨每吨二氧化碳的价格在这方面明显失败;我们只能希望那些已经设置它的政客现在投票让它确实有效。
  • 第三,一切都应该做到易受伤害国家的交易工作以及气候。有各种方法可以实现这一目标。部分收入可用于弥补贫穷国家对航空旅行的影响。最近的世界银行报告称,将申​​请约40%的收入。收入的另一个重要部分应进入全球气候基金,为哥本哈根气候大会上的100亿美元承诺捐款。另一种选择是聪明的De Minimis.方案,即低流量路线对弱势目的地的豁免。欧盟的ETS已经有了这样的计划 - 它并不完美,但比ICAO的1%的公式更好。
