


[mailchimp_signup][/mailchimp_signup]Speaking earlier this month about the EEA’s overview of emissions from transport, industry and energy, its deputy chief executive Gordon McInnes said the EU would have met its 8% Kyoto target years ago if transport had not increased its emissions. McInnes told the European Parliament’s temporary committee on climate change that emissions from road transport grew by 26% between 1990 and 2005, while all other economic sectors cut emissions.


EEA的最强大的结论进行了评估欧盟应该期望的汽车行业。With the 27 environment ministers meeting also that day to discuss the Commission’s proposal to limit new car emissions to 130 g/km by 2012, McInnes said a reduction of new passenger car emissions to 118 grams per kilometre by 2012 would close the gap between projected emissions and the EU’s 20% target.



“借口是,我们不知道什么是可行的。Well we don’t know in detail what kind of technologies will be introduced in other sectors, but that doesn’t stop us from setting targets, so we should have one for cars too: 80 g/km by 2020 and 60 g/km by 2025.’


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•一位石油巨头外壳的前主席表示,应禁止使用每100km以上8.2升的汽车。Mark Moody-Stuart在接受采访时表示,充电司机最口渴和污染的汽车的损害成本允许富人避免负责处理气候变化。