
The Danish shipping giant Maersk announced it will operate the world’s first carbon-neutral cargo vessel by 2023. The company had promised a carbon-neutral container ship by 2030 but now says it will introduce the ship seven years ahead of schedule following pressure from its customers. While welcoming Maersk’s ambition, T&E says the company is betting on the wrong horse by using methanol which may not be sustainable and available in sufficient amounts.


Maersk Line于2018年宣布,它将在2030年将碳中性集装箱船有一个碳中性集装箱船,作为2050年的完全碳中性舰队的第一步。它现在表示其中型的“饲养者”船只将在两个中服务年。它将具有运输2,000个20英尺容器的能力,并将由“碳中性188金宝搏bet官网下载甲醇”供电。

该公司是世界上最大的集装箱运输业务,表示其最大的挑战可能在寻找足够的碳中性甲醇 - 生物和合成的E-甲醇 - 运行船舶。T&E说Maersk是有权利的。

T&E的航运总监Faig Abbasov表示:“马士克清楚地希望将自己作为运输技术过渡的领导者呈现,我们鼓掌野心,但公司正在忽视基础科学。任何依赖于生物融合的新燃料,如生物甲醇,都是定义的死胡同,因为没有足够的可持续生物融合来满足社会的需求。



一种陈述from the company’s chief executive Søren Skou said: “Our customers expect us to help them decarbonise their global supply chains, and we are embracing the challenge, working on solving the practical, technical and safety challenges inherent in the carbon-neutral fuels we need in the future. Our ambition to have a carbon-neutral fleet by 2050 was a moonshot when we announced it in 2018. Today we see it as a challenging yet achievable target to reach.”
