
可持续运输集团的可持续运输集团运输与环境说。188金宝搏bet官网下载现在很明显,在2030年减少承诺中包括航空和运输的承诺 - 涵盖了所有部门和排放的来源 - 呼吁巴黎气候会议设定ICAO和IMO的2016年行动截止日期,这是及时的。

The strategy’s commitment for decarbonisation and electrification of transport, including rail, in Europe is a good starting point and tighter CO2 standards for cars and vans are also welcome – but they need to be introduced from 2025. CO2 standards for trucks have been dropped from the final version, risking the EU falling behind Japan and the US while it urgently needs to catch up to end 20 years of stagnation in fuel economy. The communication also mentions biofuels and biomass sustainability policy and, after the crucial vote on biofuels reform in the European Parliament, T&E thinks this should include indirect impacts of biofuels production and provide no further support for land-based biofuels.


T&E导演Jos Dings评论:“我们欢迎委员会对清洁汽车和运输电气化的良好意愿,包括铁路。188金宝搏bet官网下载航空和运输是在2030年的减少承诺中,我们需要在欧盟和国际层面上看到跟进。”

In its Road to Paris communication, the EU confirms that aviation and shipping fall under its 2030 reduction commitments and gives the UN’s International Maritime Organisation (IMO) and International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) a deadline to regulate emissions by the end of 2016. The two sectors are Europe’s fastest-growing sources of emissions and oil use, and their emissions are expected to rise by up to 250% globally by 2050. Moreover both are exempt from all fuel taxes and VAT.

T&E的Bunkers经理Bill Hemmings说:“航空和运输占当前全球变暖问题的8%,而且预计到2050年的排放量将增长250%,因此这些部门必须包括在全球气候交易中。同时,欧盟不应屏住呼吸 - 很明显,能源联盟战略现在需要为这些部门采取新的和额外的国内措施。”


Eoin Bannon
+32(0)487 717296

