
This paper, as well as the attached explanatory briefing, attempts to quantify the challenge for EU member states in reducing transport emissions under the expected 2030 ‘effort sharing decision’ (ESD) and the extent to which CO2 standards for cars, vans and trucks can help achieve those targets. It makes very clear what the impacts are of mandating, or not, improved vehicle efficiency.

ESD提案提供了一个独特的机会,使欧盟运输政策与气候目标一致。188金宝搏bet官网下载结合排放减排目标的设定 - 在ESD下 - 具有降低排放的实际措施可以增加对两者的支持。本文描述的措施不仅可以帮助满足2030个目标,而且还会创造就业机会并提供重大的经济和能源安全福利。