出版物 - 2021年

  • 现在是雄心勃勃的欧洲E-煤油目标的时间提交:星期五,7月2日,2021年7月2日 - 09:38

    T&E, Lufthansa, the Global Alliance Powerfuels, pilots representatives, and other aviation industry and energy players have called on the European Commission to set ambitious targets for e-kerosene, a green synthetic fuel, when it proposes the world’s first sustainable jet fuel law this month. In this letter the group, which also includes Schiphol and Copenhagen airports and e-fuel suppliers, call for a target for the use of e-kerosene under the new ReFuel EU law commencing already in 2027 at 0.5% to 1% delivered to the EU market. The mandate could potentially rise to 2.5% in 2030, as long as the sustainability of such a target can be assured.

  • 10年的欧盟燃料政策增加欧盟对不可持续的生物燃料的依赖提交:星期五,7月2日,2021年7月2日 - 16:42


  • 为什么直接空气捕获将其中一个钥匙持有可持续航空提交:星期一,7月5日,2021年7月5日 - 13:58
    要生产E-煤油,你需要CO 2。从环境中采购CO 2空气,另一种证实的技术直接的空气捕获(DAC),比捕获它来自工业来源;一种更便宜的技术,具有令人助长的行业继续依赖化石燃料的意外效果。
  • 提高气候行动监管的七种方法提交:星期二,7月6日,2021年7月6日 - 18:15

    In this letter ahead of the European Commission's ‘Fit for 55’ announcement of climate legislation, T&E and six other groups ask the Commission to commit to a revised Climate Action Regulation (CAR, also known as the Effort Sharing Regulation) that sets a strong and futureproof framework for binding national climate targets. They propose seven ways in which to improve the law.

  • Lettera Congiunta Ambientaliste - Revisione Del Regolamento UE Sugli标准DI CO2提交:星期二,7月6日,2021年7月6日 - 18:49

    Permigliorarelaqualitàtquitàquertàariae salvaguardare la Sanute dei Cittadini Bisogna Valorizzare LaMobilitàElettrica。在Una Lettera Al Godgeo Italiano,Le Principali Associozioni Ambientaliste,Chiedono di Sostenere Questa Transizione,Chiedono Di Sostenere Questizione,Accogliendo在Sede EuropeaPińambiziosi标准Di Co2 e汽车eurgoni fino al raggiungimento di feedvendite overto nil 2035。


